Nicholas Buonanni

Tragic Car Accident Leaves Jet Dennien Severely Injured, Fundraiser Organized by Family for His Recovery

Pinjarra Hills, Queensland – A tragic car accident involving Jet Dennien has left him with severe injuries, and a fundraiser has been launched by his family to support his long road to recovery. The accident, caused by a reckless and speeding motorcycle rider, took the life of Jet’s best friend, Broc, and left Jet with significant physical and emotional trauma.

Jet suffered severe injuries, including blindness in his left eye and impaired vision in his right eye, along with a fractured shoulder. Despite surviving the accident, Jet faces a challenging journey ahead with multiple surgeries, hospital visits, and specialist appointments required to restore as much vision as possible in his right eye.

In addition to his physical injuries, Jet is dealing with the overwhelming grief of losing his best friend, Broc, in the crash. Broc’s family, while grieving, has supported the creation of a fundraiser for Jet’s recovery, highlighting the close bond between the two families.

Ranae Brady, on behalf of Jet’s family, has organized the fundraiser with a goal of AUD $50,000. So far, the fundraiser has raised $14,766 from 185 donations, with Luke James making the top donation of $3,000. The funds will go toward Jet’s medical expenses, home modifications to accommodate his limited vision, and the ongoing support he needs to rebuild his life.

Jet had been working toward his dream of becoming an electrical engineer, and his family is determined to help him continue pursuing his goal despite the tragic setback. Contributions to the fundraiser will help cover the costs of his recovery and allow Jet to focus on healing both physically and emotionally.

The family has expressed deep gratitude for the outpouring of love and support they’ve received from the community.

Anyone wishing to contribute can donate directly through the fundraiser organized by Ranae Brady, with Celeste Dennien listed as the beneficiary.

— Updated by Nicholas Buonanni in News Updates


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