Nicholas Buonanni

Shilynn Darner Passes Away Unexpectedly at IU Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis – Family Seeks Help with Funeral Costs

Indianapolis, Indiana – The Darner family is grieving the unexpected loss of Shilynn Darner, who passed away on September 19, 2024, at IU Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis.

In the wake of this tragic event, a GoFundMe campaign has been organized by Alexandria Darner to raise funds for Shilynn’s funeral and burial services. The family is hoping to raise $10,000 to cover the costs, with the funeral expenses estimated to be $9,000.

The Darner family is asking for both financial support and prayers as they navigate this difficult time. While donations are appreciated, the family emphasizes that prayers and emotional support are just as important.

Alexandria Darner, the organizer of the fundraiser, shared, "We are hoping to give her the proper burial she deserves." The campaign invites those who can contribute to donate, while also encouraging those unable to donate to offer their thoughts and prayers.

Shilynn’s passing has left the family heartbroken, and the community has begun to rally around them. Anyone wishing to assist can do so by contributing to the fundraiser or offering condolences and prayers for the Darner family.

The Darner family expresses their deep gratitude for any support, whether through donations or prayers, during this challenging time.

— Updated by Nicholas Buonanni in News Updates


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