Nicholas Buonanni

Jacob Payne Placed in Induced Coma Following Serious Motorbike Accident in Wilbinga

Perth, WA – Jacob Payne, who was involved in a serious motorbike accident on Saturday, September 14, 2024, has been placed in an induced coma at Royal Perth Hospital. The accident occurred around 1 p.m. while Jacob was spending time with friends in Wilbinga. Medical professionals have induced the coma to assess his injuries fully, and his family is awaiting further details from the hospital.

Jacob’s family has shared that his recovery will likely be a long and challenging journey. As a result of the accident, Jacob will no longer be able to continue his apprenticeship. His mother, Caite Eastwood, is expected to pause her university studies and work to provide full-time care for Jacob, while still supporting his younger siblings.

A fundraiser organized by Daniella Wright has been set up to assist Jacob’s family with medical, travel, and daily expenses during this difficult time. The fundraiser has already raised $3,535 AUD out of its $5,000 goal, with 32 donations so far. The highest donation of $500 was contributed by Rodney Marwick, followed by donations from Graeme Romano and Daniella Wright.

Jacob’s family has always been known for their generosity and willingness to help others, and now the community is rallying to support them in their time of need. Caite, a proud and independent woman, has stressed that there is no obligation to donate, and the family greatly appreciates thoughts and prayers for Jacob’s recovery.

The funds raised will be used for Jacob’s ongoing medical needs, and if his recovery progresses well, any leftover funds will be donated to a charity of Jacob’s choice. The family has expressed deep gratitude for the outpouring of support from the community.

This is the only official fundraiser approved by Jacob and his family.

— Updated by Nicholas Buonanni in News Updates


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