Nicholas Buonanni

Helicopter Accident in Manhattan, Montana Leaves Mark Taylor and Son Morgan Severely Injured, Fundraiser Launched for Their Recovery

Manhattan, Montana – On the afternoon of September 15, 2024, Mark Taylor, his son Morgan, and Morgan’s friend Avery were involved in a devastating helicopter crash. Fortunately, all three survived the accident, but they face a long and difficult road to recovery.

Mark Taylor sustained fractured vertebrae and remains hospitalized. His son, Morgan, suffered even more severe injuries, including a broken pelvis, broken sacrum, and fractured vertebrae. He underwent an intense 11-hour surgery following the crash and is still in the hospital, with no determined date for his discharge. Avery, Morgan’s friend, suffered a compound fracture and will need to wear a back brace for the next 12 weeks.

Morgan, who recently started his own excavation business, will be out of work indefinitely due to his injuries. To help ease the financial burden of medical expenses and lost income, a GoFundMe campaign has been organized by Kaycie Braaksma, Mark’s niece and Morgan’s cousin. The fundraiser has a goal of $100,000, and as of now, $4,975 has been raised from 31 donations.

Top donations include $500 from Chris Gearhart and $150 from Maci StCyr, with an anonymous donor contributing the first $75. The family expresses their gratitude for the overwhelming support and asks for continued prayers as they navigate the challenging months ahead.

All donations from the fundraiser will go directly to Mark and Morgan to assist with their recovery and medical expenses. The family is thankful for any help, whether through financial contributions or kind thoughts and prayers.

— Updated by Nicholas Buonanni in News Updates


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