Nicholas Buonanni

Fundraiser Launched to Support Steve Campana’s Recovery – Iris Diaz and Family Seek Community Help

Sarasota, FL – Iris Diaz and her family have launched a critical fundraiser to support Steve Campana, who was severely injured in a car accident on April 24, 2024. The devastating crash left Steve unable to walk or use his hands, and now he requires extensive and costly therapy to aid his recovery.

Organized by Jamina Campana, the fundraiser aims to raise $85,000. So far, $210 has been collected from four donations, including contributions from Sanimerdeep Singh and Jonathan Costa. The funds will be used to cover essential therapy costs, medical supplies, and transportation for Steve’s frequent doctor visits.

Jamina Campana’s heartfelt plea underscores the financial strain on the family, as their insurance does not fully cover the necessary expenses for Steve’s care. The family faces additional costs for medical supplies and special equipment, such as a wheelchair and a shower commode.

The community’s support is crucial in helping Steve regain some mobility and independence. For those interested in contributing, donations can be made through the fundraiser platform.

— Updated by Nicholas Buonanni in News Updates


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