Nicholas Buonanni

Fundraiser Launched in Memory of Rick Orr to Support His Family in Memphis

Memphis, TN – A fundraiser has been organized in memory of Rick Orr, who recently passed away. The campaign, set up by Sarah Glass, aims to raise $5,000 to assist Rick’s wife, Kathy Orr, as she navigates this difficult period of grief and transition.

Rick Orr, who was cherished by many, left a lasting impact on those around him. His children, Matt and Sarah, expressed their gratitude to the community for the support shown during their father’s life. In their message, they invited those who wish to honor Rick’s memory to contribute to the fundraiser, emphasizing that while there are no immediate needs, the donations will go toward supporting Kathy during this challenging time.

The fundraiser has received a positive response so far, with $2,165 raised from 18 donations. The largest donation, $500, came from an anonymous contributor, while Brenda Hatmaker and Patrick McDowell also made generous contributions. The family expressed deep appreciation for the love and care shown to their parents.

The Orr family encourages anyone who feels moved to help to consider making a donation as a way of honoring Rick’s legacy. The support provided will help Kathy as she transitions into this new chapter of her life without her beloved husband.

For Donation: GoFundMe for Rick orr

— Updated by Nicholas Buonanni in News Updates


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