Nicholas Buonanni

Fundraiser Launched for DeEtta Copenhaver’s Family to Cover Medical Expenses Following Motorcycle Accident

Lompoc, California – A fundraiser has been organized by Josh Poynter to support DeEtta Copenhaver’s family after a severe motorcycle accident involving her son, Jack.

The campaign, which began yesterday, has already raised $1,310 of its $100,000 goal through 28 donations. The funds are intended to assist with medical expenses following Jack’s transport to Fresno for treatment.

DeEtta Copenhaver, who made an initial donation of $100, has been deeply involved in the fundraising effort. The top donation came anonymously at $200.

Josh Poynter, who is leading the initiative, emphasized the urgent need for financial support to help Jack’s family during this challenging time. “We need him back to how he was,” Poynter stated.

For those interested in contributing, the fundraiser remains open for donations.

— Updated by Nicholas Buonanni in News Updates


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